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Understanding Small Claims Court

Understanding Small Claims Court

People use small claims court to settle disputes when they don’t have the funds to hire an attorney. The process is swift, inexpensive and the claim amount in most states is capped at $10,000. Both parties in smalls claim court will act as their representative....
Getting the Youth Involved in Politics

Getting the Youth Involved in Politics

It is often said that today’s youth are tomorrow’s leaders, which is why it is essential for the youngest generation to become educated and rehearsed in the practice of politics. While 18 is the legal age at which someone can vote, that does not mean that children...
The Importance of the Young Americans for Liberty Group

The Importance of the Young Americans for Liberty Group

In 2013, the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement, or Circle, published a report from the Commission on Youth Voting and Civic Knowledge Releases titled, “All Together Now: Collaboration and Innovation for Youth Engagement.” The study...
Getting The Youth Involved in Politics

Getting The Youth Involved in Politics

In recent years we have seen the number of youth participation in politics fluctuate over time. There was a massive spike in engagement in 2008, but that number dwindled two years later. The youth in our nation are a very diverse bunch with different perspectives and...