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A Brief History of Dallas, Texas

A Brief History of Dallas, Texas

The city of Dallas has a rich history that not many people are aware of. Nicknamed the “Big D,” it has been the birthplace of some of the greatest people and moments in American history, and it continues to be a breeding ground for excellence. Located on the Trinity...
Debunking the Common Misconceptions About Lawyers

Debunking the Common Misconceptions About Lawyers

Just like most professions, there are many misconceptions when it comes to the law profession. Many of these myths can come from a lack of knowledge about the ins and outs of what a lawyer actually does and some also come from the depiction of fictional lawyers on...
Best Paying Jobs With A Law Degree

Best Paying Jobs With A Law Degree

Previously, I wrote a blog looking at why you would go to law school if you did not plan on being a lawyer. The legal industry offers a wide variety of career options. Law graduates have the potential to go on to a plethora of lucrative lawyer and non-lawyer jobs. You...
Getting The Youth Involved in Politics

Getting The Youth Involved in Politics

In recent years we have seen the number of youth participation in politics fluctuate over time. There was a massive spike in engagement in 2008, but that number dwindled two years later. The youth in our nation are a very diverse bunch with different perspectives and...
A Look Back At The JFK Day of Service

A Look Back At The JFK Day of Service

On November 22, 1963, then-President John F. Kennedy was assassinated as he was riding in a motorcade through downtown Dallas. Fast forward to 2013 at the time of the 50th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination, the conversations and media attention...


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